



I have a Master's degree in Earth & Planets from the Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (CRPG) in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, and was formerly a technical advisor on natural asbestos for the SGS group in Toulouse. I'm currently looking for a job after returning to Lorraine to my wife in Nancy, who works for the Université de Lorraine as a civil servant in the library's research support department on the science campus.

My studies were based on total immersion in the CRPG, enabling me to learn about research through research. The Earth & Planets specialization of the Master 2 Geosciences Planets Resources and Environment provides training for research careers in the geosciences and the sciences of the Universe. This specialization is organized around a curriculum focused on understanding the dynamics of geological and planetary processes through the quantification of natural processes. To complete my Master's degree, I decided to work on the subject of "Origins of the oldest glasses in the Solar System, or why the vitreous inclusions of olivines in type I chondrules do not devitrify", where I was trained in sample preparation techniques, manipulation of high-temperature vertical furnaces and scanning electron microscope analysis. During my Master 1 year, I also carried out an experimental study on nepheline in samples of ijolitic cumulates from the mushy zone of the Oldoinyo Lengaï magma chamber. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the possibility of growing minerals inside magmatic inclusions present in nepheline in order to experimentally determine the cumulate differentiation sequence and other parameters inherent to trapped glass.

At the end of my studies, I decided to put my analytical and mineralogical skills to use in the service of public health. In this case, my job as a technical referent in natural asbestos consisted in detecting the presence of asbestiform minerals (classic asbestos and other elongated mineral particles of interest) in natural rocks, building solids and air samples, using a transmission electron microscope. My career path has enabled me to hone my critical thinking skills and perfect my use of experimental and analytical tools, making me a seasoned analyst. My teaching and scientific skills were also put to good use in a professional context, as my superiors placed their trust in me to set up the natural rock analysis section at the SGS laboratory in Toulouse. During the course of this project, I had to train myself and then follow up the implementation with my superiors, as well as preparing for the COFRAC audit to accredit the laboratory for these analyses. The technicians are trained in health and safety rules for the preparation of potentially asbestos-contaminated samples, and I make them aware of their responsibilities in terms of analytical rigor. The presentation of reference texts (operating procedures, decrees and standards) is accompanied by practical exercises on the technical use of the MET, the recognition of different asbestos types and report writing. The training ends with an assessment that confirms the skills of my new colleagues.

I have also developed my micro-business "Barthmus Mineral Gem" to enable me to pursue the projects that are closest to my heart, teaching geology/gemmology, trading minerals and providing expertise to authorities requiring support with gems/jewelry/mineral objects.

In addition to being conscientious and motivated, I'm a self-starter who's also a team player, with initiative and curiosity. I'm willing to self-train or follow the necessary training courses to successfully carry out my work within your structure.

Thank you in advance for your attention to my application. I hope that I have convinced you of the seriousness and motivation of my application. Please accept my best regards.


September 2022 to december 2023

Gemmologue at Institut National de Gemmologie

- Level 1: Observe, analyze and identify the main gemstones used in jewelry-making

- Level 2: Identify the geographical origin, synthesis and processing of corundum, emeralds and diamonds

- Level 3: Determine chromogenic element, dispersion, mineralogical class, syntheses and treatments of gems. Overview of non-common gems

- Level 4: Recognition of organic materials (natural/imitation/synthetic)
- Diamond : Knowledge of diamond geology and history. Acquire practical skills in grading diamonds using the 4Cs.

- Law : Legislation governing the gemmologist's profession: general business start-up law, civil law, criminal law, auction law and customs law.

September 2016 to June 2018

Master «Géosciences, Planètes, Ressources et Environnement» spécialité «Terre et Planètes» at Faculté des Sciences et Technologies - Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques

- Conduct an independent research project.
- Total immersion in a research laboratory
- Quantifying natural processes
- Acquire skills in metallogeny, magmatic processes and in-depth geochemistry

September 2013 to June 2016

Licence «Sciences de la Terre» at Faculté des Sciences et Technologies

Acquire skills in magmatic, sedimentary and metamorphic petrology and geochemistry

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